Image provided by author. Top: A collage of The Hatchet’s articles across the years.
History is a big part of The Hatchet. After all, we have existed for over 105 years! Here is something we’ve found in our archives that you may find interesting. It is about how Washington students in 1925 were imagining a brighter, more modern future, and a cleaner school.
Things in General
Originally by the 1925 Hatchet Staff, edited for clarity by staff reporter Montana Makarova
We read in the paper the other day that in a few years airplanes will be as cheap as Fords, and commonly used. It will seem rather queer, [“queer” to describe anything they found odd] won’t it, to be coming to schools in a big airplane bus? Or maybe we won’t have schools at all, in the present-day sense of the word. Perhaps we’ll just tune in our radios, and listen to a few lectures, take down a few notes and —– that’s all. We’ll be through for the day. We’re afraid though that most of us would play “hooky” and tune in on something besides lectures. If that all comes true as the newspapers say, it’ll certainly be progress of some sort.
But we don’t have to wait for a “few years” to show progress in our school. If you don’t believe this statement, just take a look at our new stage equipment; and the way it looks now is nothing compared to the way it will look when the colored lights are played on it. Then, there’s our orchestra, school or otherwise, that has practised for the same length of time.
You see, we have such a nice new school building, and such a “peppy” bunch of students, that we just can’t help progressing. Oh, yes! While we are on the subject, we want to say something about the afore-mentioned school building. Mr. Hodges has talked until he is black in the face and keeping the building clean, and not scattering papers, etc. around the rooms; and Mr. Gould scrubbed the desks in the chemistry lab, with dutch cleanser, or something, so visitors wouldn’t be shocked by the pencil marks. It makes us feel “sort of” ashamed, doesn’t it? Especially when we see papers being scattered around, and the desks being marked up.
The faculty is paid to teach us, not pick up papers and scrub desks, and if we don’t watch out. They may rebel, some day, and make us do the cleaning. So we’d better be careful, and not leave any pencil marks and papers scattered around.
Montana is a sophomore at Washington High School in Fremont, California, where she grew up. This is her first year at the Hatchet, and she is excited to cover arts and entertainment as well as local news. She likes baking, reading, and watching Netflix in her free time. Her favorite time of the year is always Christmas and Halloween. In the future Montana aspires to work in judicial or business law, where she can help people and think analytically.