Section Launch: Poetry, Prose, Art

Image Description: A column of words that says Poetry, Prose, and Art in italicized, curly, black font. The word Prose is framed with a lavender background; the rest of the background is white.

Dear Huskies,

The Hatchet is excited to launch its Poetry, Prose, and Art Section as a part of A&E. We have created this space in order to provide Washington students a platform to express themselves creatively.

If you would like to submit to this section, please read the guidelines below.

Submission Guidelines:

-Please submit one piece of prose (3000 words maximum), up to three pieces of poetry (no word limit), or up to five pieces of art/photography. Once you receive a response, you may submit more of your work.

-Direct your submission to our email:

Title the email: Prose, Poetry, Art Submission

Include the following in the text of the email: Your Name (Your Pronouns), Genre, Title of Piece 1, Title of Piece 2, etc.

Please also include a short biography in the text of your email and a picture of yourself (optional). You can also request to be posted as an anonymous user. 

Your work should be compiled in a single document and attached to the email as a PDF.

-Previously published work and simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Please let us know promptly if your work is accepted elsewhere and whether or not your work has already been published. If your work has already been published, ensure that you follow the guidelines put forth by the original place of publication regarding reprints.

The Hatchet will not tolerate any hateful rhetoric in our submissions.

Good luck! We can’t wait to read your work.

-Emma Warren and Srihitha Pallapothula

Emma Warren is a senior at Washington High School. This is their second and final year at the Hatchet. They serve as the web developer and the Arts & Entertainment editor. Emma loves working on the Hatchet and writing stories for all kinds of people, whether it be the fall play review or a portfolio of an artist. In her free time, they enjoy writing and indulging in the simplicity of life by watching The Office.

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