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Ro Khanna’s impact on Fremont has been significant since his election to Congress in 2016. He has focused on bringing jobs and investment to California’s 17th Congressional district, leading to the creation of thousands of new jobs in the area. He has also been a strong advocate for improving public transportation and infrastructure, which has led to increased economic development in the area. He has also worked to increase access to affordable healthcare and improve public education, with the goal of ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to achieve success. Additionally, he has been a strong voice for environmental protection and sustainability, working to address issues such as air and water pollution, which directly impacts the health and well-being of the people in Fremont. As he’s climbed the political ladder and fought for the people, some say Ro Khanna is on a pathway to run for President of the United States.
Khanna, a former Obama Administration official, first entered politics in 2014 when he ran for Congress in the 17th district but lost to incumbent Mike Honda. However, he did not give up and ran again in 2016, successfully defeating Honda in the primary and then winning the general election.
Since then, Khanna has established himself as a progressive voice in Congress, championing issues such as income inequality, campaign finance reform, and environmental protection. He was a vocal critic of the Trump Administration, particularly on trade and foreign policy issues. Trinidad Hellman, a WHS senior states that “Ro Khanna’s prioritization of environmental policy really points to the future of where we need to go as a society.” Mr. Hellman explained how this progressive perspective is what the Democratic party favors.
One of Khanna’s main policy focuses has been on economic issues, and he has been vocal in his criticism of the widening income gap in the US. He has advocated for a higher minimum wage, stronger labor protections, and a more progressive tax system. He has also been an advocate for increasing access to affordable healthcare and a vocal critic of the Republican effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act.
Khanna is also a strong advocate for campaign finance reform and has been a vocal critic of the role of money in politics. He has pushed for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision and for public financing of elections. His work reforming the election process has opened him to the idea of one day taking office as President of the United States. This day may be closer than we expect, and Fremont is ready. This reporter’s brother, a former Ro Khanna campaign volunteer, WHS student, and FUSD student board member, Zuhair Imaduddin said, “I really look forward to hopefully advocating for his Presidency.”
Regarding foreign policy, Khanna has been a vocal critic of the Trump Administration’s “America First” approach and advocates for a more multilateral and cooperative approach to foreign relations. He has been particularly critical of the Trump Administration’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement and the Iran Nuclear Deal. He has called for the US to re-enter both agreements.
Given his progressive stance on various issues, Khanna is seen as a strong, youthful candidate compared to the status quo of Democratic candidates. He has already begun to build a national profile, with appearances on cable news and in national publications. He has also backed and endorsed candidates in other states, helping build a network of supporters across the country.
However, Khanna would face a crowded field of candidates if he were to run for president. Other potential Democratic candidates include well-known figures such as Vice President Kamala Harris, Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, as well as current President Joe Biden.
Ro Khanna is a rising star in the Democratic Party and is being touted as a potential presidential candidate. He has been a vocal advocate for progressive policies on various issues, from economic inequality to foreign policy. However, he would face a crowded field of candidates if he were to run for president and would have to build a strong national profile and network of supporters to have a chance of winning the nomination.
Zahi Imaduddin is a senior at Washington High School. He was born and raised in Fremont, California, and this is his first year at the paper. He hopes to discuss the intersections of technology and psychology and how technology shapes culture. His hobbies include coding, cooking, creating 3D art, and working out. He hopes to study computer science in college and eventually start a company. With a strong interest in the ocean, he hopes to one day sell all his belongings and live on a boat.