Washington’s lunch & munch

Image from author.

Is Washington High School’s off campus lunch policy a good thing for the school? Here at WHS, many students agree that lunch is their favorite part of the day. There are many things that make lunch enjoyable to students: They are able to relax, spend time with friends, and most importantly, fill their rumbling stomachs with food. There are many different options, from the school cafeteria, to going off campus to purchase their own lunches. 

Arman Singh, a freshman at WHS, explains how he feels “privileged” to be able to have an off campus lunch. He goes on to talk about how his friends at other schools have told him that they do not have an off school campus lunch, and this privilege makes him “like Washington more.” Singh goes on to talk about some of his favorite off campus lunch options. He specifies that Fortune Cookie is one of his favorite restaurants, because he enjoys how the food is always hot and freshly made. He also says McDonalds, which is just down the street from WHS, is another one of his favorites places to go during lunch because of its reasonable price and how close it is to school. He likes how many of these options are within a “walkable distance” from school so he is able to get his lunch pretty fast. Students at Washington High are able to commute to various restaurants in a nearby radius in many ways. Whether they are walking, biking, or driving, a student’s commute to a nearby restaurant can have a big impact on them, and their growing bodies. Walking can also make students exercise, getting their steps in for the day. Instead of sitting in one spot for 52 minutes per day they are able to walk somewhere else and enjoy their own choice of food.

Not only does the variety of food around Washington provide different options for students to try, it also provides students with a change of scenery and entertainment. It is a time where they can forget about their worries at school and just be free and enjoy their lunch with friends. They are able to socialize as well as try new foods when going off school campus. In the commute to the restaurants, students can be seen talking, laughing, and enjoying their time they have. Meghana Shamarayar, a senior at Washington, explains how she enjoys her off campus lunch because she and her friends can “catch up on each other’s lives.” Her favorite off campus lunch is Chick-Fil-A, and she specifically loves their fries. With the change of scenery and socialization, students have the opportunity to positively support local restaurants in Washington’s and Fremont’s surrounding community. 

In conclusion, with a change of environment, students are able to come back to school recharged. With food as a motive, students are able to enjoy their school day and have something to look forward to. Their brains also start pumping, making them ready to work and enjoy the rest of their day they have at Washington.

Manjinder Singh is a Junior at Washington High School. He grew up in Union City, and he moved to Fremont when he was six years old. This is his first year at the Washington High School newspaper, The Hatchet. He is interested in sports and technology. During his free time he enjoys spending time with friends and family. Additionally, he likes playing sports (specifically basketball). His future plans are to spend two years at Ohlone community college and to transfer to a UC. He has a strong will, and believes he can do anything he puts his mind to.

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