Vegan’t even: My comically awful experience at RAWasf

As a meat-loving carnivore, walking into RAWasf, the newest vegan restaurant in town, was like stepping into a nightmare. The decor was a hodgepodge of thrift store finds, and the menu looked like it was written in another language. Seriously, what even is a “zucchini noodle”?

First of all, let’s talk about the prices. You’re paying a premium for some raw vegetables and a side of self-righteousness. And let’s not even get started on the portion sizes. There have been bigger side dishes on a kid’s menu. The “RAWsome Burger” was anything but. The beet patty tasted like chewing on a dirt clod, and the raw cashew cheese had the consistency of glue. The flaxseed bun was dry and tasted like cardboard. I’d rather eat a shoe than have that burger again. The “RAWdioactive Smoothie” was another disaster. It was a neon green monstrosity that tasted like someone blended up their front lawn. You can feel the grass stains on my tongue just thinking about it. And let’s talk about the ambiance. Sitting on a hay bale might be cute for a photo op, but it’s not so comfortable when you’re trying to eat a meal. And the vintage farm equipment on the walls just added to the general feeling of pretentiousness.

Overall, RAWasf is a disaster. It’s a place where people who hate food and fun come to feel superior to the rest of us. If you’re looking for delicious, satisfying vegan food, look elsewhere. This place is a total raw-scam. One student from Washington decided to try it out and she said that “I was really disappointed with the vegan food at RAWasf. I had heard good things about the restaurant and was excited to try it out, but the food just didn’t live up to my expectations. I did mention something to our server when she came to check on us. She apologized and said she would let the kitchen know, but nothing really came of it. I didn’t feel like they were very concerned about my dissatisfaction. As we can see even the service was lacking. The waitstaff was clearly not trained in basic customer service skills. It was like they were doing everyone a favor by bringing people their food. And don’t even think about asking for substitutions or alterations to your meal. They acted as if you had just asked them to sacrifice a goat on the table. The thing that hasn’t been mentioned is the skinny fries and the turmeric latte. The skinny fries were so skinny that they were practically invisible. They were overcooked and tasted like cardboard. Most people would rather eat uncooked pasta than those fries. And the turmeric latte was nothing short of a tragedy. It tasted like someone had poured hot water into a cup and added a pinch of turmeric. There was no flavor, no spice, and no warmth to it. It was like drinking lukewarm tap water.

In the end, the skinny fries and turmeric latte at RAWasf were just as bad as the rest of the food. They were overpriced and underwhelming. If you’re looking for a delicious latte or some satisfying fries, this is not the place to go. Save your money and your taste buds, and go elsewhere. The desserts were a whole other disaster. The “RAWberry Cheesecake” had the consistency of a hockey puck, and the flavor was a mix of sour and bitter. The “RAWcocoa Brownie” was dry and crumbly, and tasted like it had been sitting in the back of a fridge for a month. RAWasf isn’t a recommended restaurant to anyone. The food was terrible, the prices were outrageous, and the atmosphere was unbearable. If you’re looking for a vegan restaurant that actually cares about making delicious food, look elsewhere. RAWasf is nothing but a raw-deal.

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