Unrivaled speed: Jalen Frenchwood leads the Huskies into a great season

Image provided by author. Top: Jalen Frenchwood after winning a football game.

Averaging three touchdowns a game, running back Jalen Frenchwood is the star of the football team.  The viral sensation himself, Frenchwood is a senior with a great academic record. He’s a multi-sport athlete, playing baseball as well as football. He has scored 15 touchdowns so far in the season and is a leading rusher in the league. 

Jalen first engaged in athletic activity when he was four years old. “I started playing sports [because] my dad put me in various sports since I was young [and] he didn’t want me using drugs and other negative things, and since I had a lot of spare time, I spent that time playing sports,” he says. He is a fiercely competitive individual who enjoys winning. Winning is one of his essential goals, because if he loses, all of his fury comes out in the following game, which makes him less likely to win. When I asked him why, given all the options available, he chose to play baseball and football, he responded, “I joined baseball because I was highly influenced by my dad since he also played baseball, and I travel a lot for baseball. Football is a family sport that is played by my dad, brother, and relatives.”

 Jalen has high ambitions for the future; he intends to pursue his football career. In order to advance, he wants to play college football. If that doesn’t work out, he will try other leagues like the IFL and Arena Leagues. Many young athletes desire to play sports, so I asked him for his advice on what information new athletes should know. He says, “I would definitely recommend that individuals participate in athletics since you may learn a lot from doing so. You can pick up a lot of leadership abilities as well as people and teamwork skills. Keep in mind when participating in sports that you are doing so for fun and not to cause harm to others.”

When I inquired about Jalen’s academic performance with one of the football coaches, Coach Sotelo, he said, “Jalen is amazing when he tries and gives his 100%. Right now he is doing fantastic and trying his hardest.” I also inquired about Jalen’s sporting career, and he responded, “He’s been a great player since he joined Washington. Out of his four years of playing, he has had one of the best performances this year. His future is looking bright and amazing, and if he keeps concentrating and upholds his morals, he will definitely make it to the top leagues.” I also spoke with a few of his teammates and got their opinions on the sort of captain and teammate he is. One of the players, Pedro Garcia, “thinks he’s a terrific teammate and a fantastic captain because he constantly keeps us motivated and never backs down from challenges.”

Everyone has found Jalen Frenchwood to be fascinating to watch. He has been one of the few individuals at our school that scouts have observed during camps. Jalen is one of our best athletes, according to coaches Campbell and Sotelo, who are both excellent instructors. He possesses the work ethic and mindset of a player who constantly seeks to improve. Washington is supporting and encouraging Jalen along the way and wishes him well in his sporting career. When Jalen reaches the pros, we will all applaud.

Gurshaan Sekhon is a senior at Washington High. He was born in India but moved to the US in 2016. He has recently joined the paper. He is interested in many things, including football, cultural foods, and cultural events. He does football and wrestling. His future plans are to become a member of the Army Special Ops Night Stalkers. Some interesting facts about him are that he has played cricket nationals in India and he also has some experience in the Fremont police department.

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