Special Coronavirus Edition: Anshi Vora

With the unexpected school shutdown due to the Coronavirus, students are forced to transition to online schooling. The majority of teachers utilize platforms such as Google Classroom or School Loop to provide instructions for any classwork and homework during the shutdown. In this regard, there are many conflicting opinions on how successful online schooling is, especially since the student does not have the comfort of a traditional classroom to ask questions.

Senior Tejaswini Jonnagalada is “not a huge fan of it because it is harder to ask questions because teachers don’t usually respond fast with emails.” This can be a serious issue because a lack of structure can lead to students falling behind, especially with tricky concepts presented in subjects such as math and science. Jonnalagada personally feels that “in person teaching is more effective.” With no formal lessons, students are forced to self study which can be difficult when dealing with emotions surrounding a global pandemic. There is a lot of new work and computers to do schooling may not be accessible for everyone. While Washington High School has provided laptops for some students, there are also the issues of siblings needing internet access and spotty wifi.

On the other hand, some students are thriving with the new set up. Sophomore Ryan Rani has nothing but praise for the system, highlighting the freedom it presents. Rani states, “Being able to wake up later and do my work my way is the best part of online schooling. I don’t have to wait for others to catch up, I can just move on to the next assignment.” The dissismal of a rigid school schedule can also be beneficial for students like Rani who have extracurriculars and hobbies that they can pursue with their extra time. Rani loves track and is “able to practice every day whenever I need a break. I don’t have to wait until 3pm, I can do it at 1pm.” It also allows for more quality time to be spent with family and focusing on mental health.

All in all, many people have conflicting opinions on online schooling. There is merit to both sides. Freedom of schedules allows people to focus on themselves, while a lack of structure means risking falling behind. The unexpected situation cannot be changed, but how we deal with it is important.

This staff reporter graduated in 2020. Anshi Vora is a senior at Washington High School. She grew up in Fremont, California. This is her first year working for the Hatchet. Anshi enjoys writing for a variety of articles in different subjects. In her free time, Anshi likes reading and watching TV. She hopes to major in computer science in college.

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