There is a stigma attached to living at your parents’ house as an adult. Many think these adults do not work hard and leech off of their parents for money, but this is not true for most. People often think those that continue to live with their parents after high school are too lazy to attempt financial independence. Teenagers in America are often expected to be independent at the age of eighteen, to move out of their parents’ houses, and to be financially stable to support themselves. However, being dependent on your parents for certain things as an adult should not be looked down upon because there are many valid reasons for and even positive benefits of living with your parents.
Living expenses today are higher than ever, with the average rent for a one bedroom apartment in the Bay Area being $2,197. Saving up enough money as a teenager is hard, and getting a job in high school can be difficult as well. When teenagers get jobs, they are often low or minimum wage jobs that do not suffice for rent or the bills, especially in the Bay Area. Living with your parents can help you save up money for other purposes, such as college, where tuition is often high. Especially for those who go to community college, moving out is not necessary because the school is local.
Other than the financial benefits, there are many more reasons as to why living with your parents can be an advantage. Many students do not have time to cook themselves meals everyday, but your parents can help you out on that, so your health will be better than if you were living on your own. You also will have more people in the house to do housework with, so you do not have all of it to do on your own, which is tiring and time consuming. It is also a safe comfort zone that you already know well, so you don’t have to familiarize yourself with a new city. Being with your family more often builds a strong sense of community, leaving to move out can make that connection weaker.
In many Asian cultures, moving out right after eighteen is seen as taboo, and often disagrees with the western philosophy of independence. Some parents from these cultures believe their kids should not move out until they finish college or even until they get married. Many countries have multi-generational households because they believe living with extended family members has more benefits and brings everyone closer when in need of help; parents also expect their kids to take care of them in old age. Many immigrants bring these customs and values with them to America, and we should be respectful of their beliefs instead of stigmatizing them just because the norms are different in the U.S. Many of these kids want to respect their parents and live with them because they believe in these values as well.

This reporter graduated in 2020.
Neha Banga is a senior at Washington High school who grew up in Fremont, California. This is Banga’s first year at the Hatchet. She enjoys writing on the features page and the opinions section. She is a martial artist who has been training for 11 years. She plans to open a martial arts school as a head instructor.