Behind the scenes of Yearbook

The Washington Yearbook is created in a class known as Publications. The class is described by staff member Nina Dragget as“A chill environment where everyone is nice to each other.” Dragget “would recommend this class to anyone who wants to take it”. Knowing how to manage time is important in Publications.  Yearbook advisor Kimberly Campisano says, “ou can’t be shy and you need to know how to make quick acquaintances. If you procrastinate you can throw the whole class off.” Staff member Yericza Quintero added,”being creative is a large part of the class and knowing how to break outside the box with your designs and with your wording. ” The yearbook is usually  232 pages including the index and advertisements. An important part of the yearbook is the Class of 2020 senior photos, which shows graduating seniors from the time they were babies to now as young adults. Staff members work in groups of two to three people for three to four weeks on a spread, which is a full page in a completed yearbook. When a spread is made each group has to go out and interview and take pictures of the people included in that particular spread. After each deadline the advisor and editors work on each page making sure that there’s no mistakes and that every picture is in order and correctly captioned. Brooke Matre is a senior at Washington and co editor of the yearbook alongside Briana Padilla. When asked about her experience in the class she said, “it’s a great class and it really helped make me the person I am today.”

Kasidee Law grew up in Manteca, California, and in Fremont. This is her second year at the Hatchet and she is the Opinions Editor. Her goal is to bring different types of opinions to light and open dialogues. Her future plans are going to community college and then transferring to a four year to get her degree in early childhood education.

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